By submitting this form, I give my child/children/ward permission to participate in all religious education activities. In the event of a medical emergency, I give permission for my child/children/ward to receive medical treatment for injury or illness, in accordance with standard medical practice by licensed medical personnel, when it is not practical to obtain the consent of the undersigned. Permission is also granted to treat minor injury on a first aid basis.
I hereby release and agree to hold harmless the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington and the parish named on the registration form, their officers, directors, employees, staff members, volunteers, and agents from any and all liability, claims and/or damages for personal injury, property loss or damage which may result to my child/children/ward. I further state that my child/children/ward is physically fit and able to participate in religious education activities and classes.
I further state that my child/children/ward may ride in any vehicle used for the purpose of events related to religious education events. I release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, the parish named on the registration form, their officers, directors, employees, staff members, volunteers, and agents for personal injury, property loss or damage, whether foreseen or unforeseen, to my child/children/ward while traveling in authorized vehicles.
I hereby acknowledge that neither the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington nor the parish named on this registration form are providing insurance coverage of any kind for any of the participants, inculding, but not limited to, life, health, accident, disability, liabilitiy, or any other kind of insurance whatsoever. I agree to undertake responsibility for any and all losses, damages, liabilities or expenses associated with, or arising from, religiuos education events and classes. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to acquire insurance to provide the appropriate coverage(s) for the risks associated with participation in the events of religious education.